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Insurance Engineers
and Brokers


Forensic Litigation Consultants

FEWA Description of a "Forensic Litigation Consultant":

  1. He or She possesses, by reason of education or specialized training and experience, superior knowledge respecting a subject about which persons having no particular training are incapable of forming an opinion or deducing correct conclusions; and
  2. He or She is conducting an investigation or rendering an opinion, whether as a testifying expert witness or not, in connection with ongoing or contemplated litigation, at the request of a judge, court appointed arbitrator, administrative hearing officer with the discretion to make binding rulings on legal and factual issues or an attorney;
  3. He or She is acting within the area of expertise described in the Insured's application for insurance.

Professional Liability Coverage

Coverage for damages resulting from negligent acts, errors or omissions on the part of the Insured in professional services rendered or which should have been rendered in the Insured's professional capacity as a Forensic Litigation Consultant.

Optional Coverage

  • Extended Claims Reporting Period (ERP) Coverage

Limits of Liability

  • $100,000 per claim / $100,000 aggregate
  • $250,000 per claim / $250,000 aggregate
  • $500,000 per claim / $500,000 aggregate
  • $1,000,000 per claim /$1,000,000 aggregate

Minimum deductible is $1,500 (Higher deductibles available)

Please note

This insurance will be quoted through the National Association of Salaried Professionals Purchasing Group where applicable.